The origin of bull racing there are several versions. The first version says that the bull racing has been around since the 14th century. Bull racing at that time used to propagate the Islamic religion by a named Kyai Pratanu. Another version says that the bull racing created by Adi Poday, namely children's ruling Wlingi Panembahan Sapudi area in the 14th century. Adi Poday a long wandering in Madura, bringing his experience in the field of agriculture to the Island Sapudi, so that agriculture on the island to be developed. One technique to speed up the cultivation of agricultural land which is taught by Adi Polay is to use a cow. Eventually, because of the many farmers who use oxen to cultivate energy fields simultaneously, hence arises the their intention to compete with each other in the finish. And, finally the race to cultivate fields that became a kind of sports racing competition called bull racing.
Various Bull Racing
Bull race that characterized Madurese actually consisted of several kinds, namely:
Kerapan Keni (small kerapan)
This type Kerapan participants only attended by people originating from one district or kewedanaan only. In this category the distance that must be taken only 110 meters long and is followed by a small cows that have not been trained. While the victory was decisive, in addition to speed, too straight, or whether the cow when it ran. For the cows that can win races, can follow a higher kerapan again that is often king. -
Kerapan Raja (kerapan large)
The race is often also referred to this country often are generally held in the capital district on Sunday. Racing around the track length 120 meters and its members are the champions kerapan Keni. -
Kerapan Onjangan (kerapan invitation)
Kerapan onjangan is a special race of the participants were invited from a district that organized it. Kerapan are usually held to commemorate certain holidays. -
Kerapan Karesidenen (kerapan prefectural level)
This is a great Kerapan kerapan followed by kerapan champions from four districts in Madura. Kerapan Pamekasan residency was held at City on Sunday, which is the top event to end the season kerapan. -
Kerapan jar-jaran (kerapan exercises)
Kerapan jar-jaran is done only to train the cows down on the racetrack before the actual race.
The parties involved in bull racing game
Bull race is one type of game that many people involved various parties, which include :
owner of the cow racing -
tongko handyman (person in charge of controlling the race on top of beef kaleles) -
tambeng builders (people who hold the reins of cows prior to disposal) -
gettak builders (people who bully beef so when the cue can be quickly dashed) -
tonja builders (people whose job interesting and led the cow) -
handyman gubra (Angora entourage who cheered duty to encourage the cow racing)
Before starting all cattle-kerapan often
paraded onto the field. This opportunity is not only used to relax the calf muscles, is also an arena to show off the beauty of clothes and ornaments of the cows that will be contested. After the parade finished, the clothes and all the trimmings it was opened. Only clothing that does not interfere with the cow's body movements are still allowed to attach.
After that, began the first race to determine the standings of participants. Like the game of football, in this round the participants will set the strategy for the cows can enter the races, into "top" to the next round (allowance), can compete with cattle races of the group "under the boards."
Next is the preliminary round first, second, third and fourth or final. In the preliminary round, the game uses the knockout. In other words, the cows that have been declared lost race, no longer be eligible to participate in a game the next round. Meanwhile, for the cow race that was declared the winner, will be confronted again with the winner of another match. And so on until there remained one last player who always win and become champion.
In this race, sort of a pair of oxen pulling a wooden cart (the jockey standing and controlling the cow pairs) are also managed in the race racing against other couples cow. Track races are usually around 100 meters race and the race can take about ten to fifteen seconds.
Bull is a prestigious event for the people of Madura, karapan cattle owners would feel if his cattle raised his social status could be a champion. Ruminant animal is also used as a tool of investment other than gold and money. Not surprisingly, when the cattle owners karapan will exert all its efforts to make the cows to be a winner in every season karapan. Just a note, usually from cow karapan Sapudi Island (read: Athletes at the Cow Party karapan). Since first, a small island located in the eastern tip of the island was a cow shed seeds.
Championship starting from district level and district level continue to be forwarded to the level of Karisidenan. Several towns in Madura cattle karapan held in August and September each year, with the final at the end of September or October in the city competing for the trophy.
Bull race was preceded by pairs of cows paraded around the racetrack with gamelan accompaniment saronen called Madura. It's really festive, let alone music mix sounds seronen highlight the drum, trumpets, and gongs, accompanied by dancing players. The musicians of this seronen intentionally hired by the owners of the cows. Primarily to encourage.
Cultural values
Bull racing game if examined in depth contains the values that in turn can be used as a reference in social life. These values are: hard work, cooperation, competition, order and sportsmanship.
The value of hard work is reflected in the training process of cows, so that became a cow amazing race (strong and agile). To make a cow like that must have required patience, perseverance and hard work. Without a cow that was impossible complaint can show his prowess in the arena bull racing.
The value of cooperation is reflected in the process of the game itself. Bull racing game, as already mentioned at the top, is an activity that involves many parties. The parties need each other to one another. To that end, cooperation is required in accordance with the position and role of each. Without it impossible bull racing games can be held properly.
Values reflected in the arena of competition bull racing. Competition by Koentjaraningrat (2003: 187) are efforts that aim to exceed the efforts of others in society. In this context, the participants tried to bull racing game in such a way as to be able to run fast aduannya cows and cow racing to beat the opponent as expected. Therefore, each trying to cow can do that best. So, antarpeserta compete in this regard.
Order value is reflected in the process of bull racing game itself. Any games, including bull racing, order is always required. This order not only shown by the participants, but also the spectators who obey the rules that are made. Participants patiently waiting for the cows diperlagakan races. Meanwhile, viewers are also compliance with the applicable rules. They do not create disturbances or actions which in turn may interfere with or thwart the course of the game.
And, the value of sportsmanship is reflected not only from the attitude of the players who did not cheat during the game, but also willing to accept defeat with a roomy chest.
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